Saturday, September 12, 2009

Long, Long Day

11SEPT09;; I was helping my grandma cook curry chicken and Vietnamese noodles. I wasn't able to do much on here or return comments and whatnot. After cooking, my relatives arrived. My uncles and aunts and so on came to my aunt Maggie's house so we can have a big get-together and eat dinner. Who came? My aunts, Virginia and Nancy; uncles, William and Jack, my aunts' moms (two of them), and my grandpa's older brother came. Many people including the regular crowd, my aunts, uncle, cousins. The house was crowded with people chatting and eating. I kind of fell out of place, I was quiet. I had no one to talk to and nothing to do. I wasn't able to use my computer because it was too loud. My mom, grandma, and aunt Virginia's mom left with us around 9-something pm. Got home and I used the Internet for a bit and felt tired and slept. Today was a long and tiring day...

12SEPT09;; Was thundering last night...I mean, this morning at around 4-something am. It woke me up. It was also hailing! Hard! Been thundering throughout the early morning. So scary... x] All day we went out. The whole she-bang went to eat brunch in San Mateo/El Camino Real. The seats was a long wait. After, we went back to my aunt Maggie's house. Then to Marco Polo and bought ice cream/gelato in flavors: Durian, Red Bean, Taro, and Mocha Chip. We bought a pint of each flavor and the total was around $36. Went back to the house and ate the ice cream/gelato.
Then to Chinatown and bought two dozens of egg tarts from the famous bakery in San Francisco, called Golden Gate Bakery. Went back to the house and stayed there until 10 something and left to go home. Here I am, typing away. But now, I should get ready to sleep. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. There's a wedding to attend! My aunt Betty's wedding...again, I have to help at reception. Why am I always helping different aunts' weddings in receptions? I have never agreed. They just think that I would do it. -.- Boo!!


Bonnie said...

yummmm ice cream!
have fun at the wedding! weddings are so awesome (:

Monica said...

I never really get to cook with my relatives. I do help out in the kitchen but it's usually just washing and putting the dishes away.

Ngaw :( Why didn't you talk randomly to one of your relatives? Well, at least your long tiring day is over :D I've had a tiring day. I had my practical gymnastics assessment and I had to perform some weird tricks on the parallel bars D:

OMG, people were tweeting about that Thunderstorm you were talking about XD
$36 on ice cream? I envy you. It was quite hot today too. Ugh, I'm not liking spring. I miss Winter already. I remember last summer, it was like 48 degrees Celsius. I hope that it won't be that hot again.

Wouldn't helping at a relative's reception be fun? LOL. Sounds fun :)

Anyways, thanks :D Have a nice day.

Patbby said...

Thanks for the comment! Which was so long ago. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to really find the the time.

Your two days was filled with food. xD I wish I had two days filled with food too, but nooooo~ I have to STUDY. :|

Sierra said...

First I want to say your layout is the cutest thing ever(: second all of that food you mention made me hungryyy :P It sounds like a lot of work but fun(: